Our Services
Our typical pattern of services is below. For up to date information please visit our pages on ‘A church near you’, the links are below. These pages are updated weekly.
As a Benefice we work closely together, so if there isn’t a service in a particular church one week, people attend the church where there is a service. Through this we have developed strong relationships of support across the benefice. Anyone is very welcome at any church.
Week 1: | 10:45am | Together service (moving around the churches) |
Week 2: | 9:30am | Communion at Blandford St Mary |
11am | Communion in Langton Long | |
11am | Family Service in one of the Tarrant Churches | |
Week 3: | 9:30am | Communion at Spetisbury |
9:30am | Family Service at Charlton Marshall | |
11am | Morning Worship in Langton Long | |
11am | Communion in one of the Tarrant Churches | |
Week 4: | 9:30am | Communion at Charlton Marshall |
9:30am | Morning worship at Spetisbury | |
11am | Communion in Langton Long | |
11am | BCP Communion in Tarrant Crawford from May – September or Tarrant Rushton in Winter. |
Week 5: | 10:45am | Joint service (moving around the churches) |
Midweek | ||
Every Thursday | Morning Prayer at 9am by zoom contact Rev Carolyn for details |
Homegroup | fortnightly on Wednesdays, 7.30pm contact Rose, our administrator |
Midweek | |
Every Wednesday | Communion at 10:30am in Spetisbury |
Every Thursday | Morning Prayer at 9am by zoom contact Rev Carolyn for details |
Homegroup | fortnightly on Wednesdays, 7.30pm contact Rose, our administrator |
For up to date information about Church services and upcoming events, please see:
Spetisbury: St John Baptist – A Church Near You
Charlton Marshall: St Mary the Virgin – A Church Near You
Blandford: St Mary – A Church Near You
Langton Long: All Saints – A Church Near You
Tarrant Rushton: St Mary – A Church Near You
Tarrant Keynston: All Saints – A Church Near You
Or our Benefice page:
The Two Rivers Benefice Dorset – A Church Near You